Lexington Inn Hunting

For nearly 30 years the Lexington Inn has hosted hunters from around the country. Southwest Iowa is a sought after location for bird, deer, and turkey. With access to over 4000 acres of quality ground, Lexington Inn continues its tradition as a premier hunting base.
Pheasant & Quail
Staying at the Lexington Inn opens access to some of the best upland bird hunting in Iowa. We have the kind of habitat that pheasant and quail thrive,….cornstock fields, fence row cover, and grassy areas. Though population of these birds was down in the past, we have seen vast improvement in numbers over the last few years.
You will be provided with aerial maps of each farm, directions to those locations, and you are welcome to bring your own dog along to hunt these birds. We do advise that we do not allow animals inside the lodging facilities and kenneling is not currently available at this time. Inquire for more information on what is available as our options do change periodically.
The goal of the Lexington Inn is to provide our customers with an excellent hunt so they will want to return, and many do each year. Come visit us for your pheasant and quail hunting this year!

Whitetail Deer
Located in Southwest Iowa, in scenic Taylor County, Lexington Inn Hunting offers the best of Iowa’s trophy deer hunting. The natural surroundings of corn fields, thick brush terrain, and wooded river bottoms provide both excellent whitetail deer habitat and satisfying challenges to the serious whitetail deer hunter. Strategically located deer stands make it easy for the beginning hunter to have a good look at the whitetail deer.
Some of the biggest whitetail deer in the Midwest roam our countryside. Below are some successful hunts from Southwest Iowa pictured. Hunters have shot deer in our area that scored 187 typical and 232 non typical.
Semi-guided hunts or aerial maps with directions to prime hunting locations on many acres of privately owned and leased hunting grounds are provided to our groups. The Lexington Inn is in DNR Zone 4.

Trophy Turkeys in Iowa?? Yes!! In Iowa, every turkey hunter has nearly a 50-50 chance of killing a tom turkey that’s 5 to 10 pounds heavier than the national average! Iowa’s turkeys not only grow larger than turkeys do in many other states, but are often more populous per square mile of suitable habitat as well. When biologists refer to the “carrying capacity” of an area, they mean the area’s potential to provide adequate food and habitat for a particular game species. “Iowa’s carrying capacity for turkeys is very high,” remarked Iowa Department of Natural Resources turkey management biologist Todd Gosselink. “With all the cropland we have, nutrition is never an issue. The only limiting factor is habitat, and turkeys have turned out to be much more flexible with habitat than anybody every expected.”
“In Texas, if you shot an eastern wild turkey, you’d be happy to get a 20-pounder, and the average is probably around 15 pounds,” Burk said. “In Iowa, eastern wild turkeys average around 20 pounds, and the big ones run 25 pounds and larger.” – John Burk, Midwest region biologist for the National Wild Turkey Federation
Lexington Inn Hunting has access to some of the best turkey hunting in Southwest Iowa, with many acres of both private and public hunting available. We are very particular about the kind of land we lease to ensure you the best hunt possible. Our hunting land has the type of habitat and terrain that turkeys love. Again aerial maps and directions to hunting land will be provided to our turkey hunters.

Hunting Packages
Lexington Inn Hunting offers package deals that include exclusive hunting rights to several acres of prime hunting ground, maps to those locations, as well as comfortable lodging for groups up to ten hunters. Please contact us for more information on those packages!